OnlyMat Coco Peat / Natural Coir Pith Block for Balcony/Terrace Gardening - Indoor/Outdoor Plants - 650 gram block

Sands & Soils
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Transform your balcony or terrace gardening skills with our superior quality Coco Peat/Natural Coir Pith Block. This eco-friendly soil enhancer is an absolute must-have for indoor and outdoor plants as it ensures optimal moisture retention, creating a thriving environment for your plants to flourish. Our Coco Peat block is crafted from sustainable materials, making it the ideal choice for organic gardening. Upgrade to OnlyMat's premium Coco Peat and witness an incredible transformation in your plants' growth. Waste no time. Start shopping immediately and care for your green oasis with absolute confidence!

Benefits of Cocopeat:

  • Sustainability: Cocopeat, also known as coconut coir, is a renewable and eco-friendly resource, as it is derived from the husks of coconuts, which are usually discarded.
  • Water Retention: Cocopeat has excellent water retention properties, allowing it to hold moisture for extended periods. This makes it an ideal choice for gardening and agriculture, reducing watering frequency.
  • Aeration: Its fibrous structure ensures good air circulation, promoting healthy root growth in plants.
  • pH Neutrality: Cocopeat typically has a neutral pH level, providing an optimal environment for plant growth. It can be customized to suit the specific pH requirements of different plants.
  • Lightweight: Cocopeat is lightweight, making it easy to handle and transport. This is particularly advantageous for container gardening and potted plants.
  • Reduced Weed Growth: When used as a mulch or soil cover, cocopeat can help suppress weed growth, reducing the need for frequent weeding.
  • Biodegradability: Cocopeat is biodegradable and naturally breaks down over time, enriching the soil with organic matter.
  • Soil Structure Improvement: Incorporating cocopeat into heavy or compacted soils improves soil structure, drainage, and aeration.

Usages of Cocopeat:

  • Gardening: Cocopeat is commonly used as a plant-growing medium. It can be used in seed starting, potting mixes, and as a soil conditioner to enhance soil structure.
  • Hydroponics: In hydroponic systems, cocopeat is an inert substrate that supports plants and retains moisture and nutrients.
  • Mulching: Applying a layer of cocopeat as mulch helps retain soil moisture, regulate soil temperature, and prevent weed growth.
  • Soil Amendment: Cocopeat can be added to garden beds to improve soil structure, drainage, and aeration.
  • Erosion Control: Cocopeat can be used in erosion control applications to stabilize soil on slopes and prevent soil erosion.
  • Composting: Cocopeat can be added to compost piles to improve moisture retention and create aeration within the pile.
  • Growing Media for Mushrooms: Cocopeat is also a growing medium for certain types of mushrooms.

Overall, cocopeat's versatile qualities make it a valuable resource for various applications, contributing to sustainable agriculture, gardening, and environmental conservation.

We at Onlymat bring 100% organic cocopeat to you, adding life to your indoor and outdoor plants!

  • Made of coconut coir, it is lightweight and best suitable for balconies and terrace gardening.
  • The tiny coir fibres are compressed into a brick-like cake, making coco peat lightweight and easy to carry.
  • The brown coir fibre or pith holds a large amount of water, saving a lot of water for your gardening.
  • An eco-friendly and organic product, coco peat or pith is the best-starting medium for germinating seeds.
  • Package Dimensions: 15x7x5cm
  • Quantity: Pack of 1
  • Weight" 650g


Using a cocopeat block for planting is a simple process involving rehydrating and preparing the block for your plants. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Materials Needed:

  1. Cocopeat block
  2. Large container or bucket
  3. Water
  4. Gardening gloves (optional)
  5. Planting container or garden bed


  • Select a Container: Choose a container or bucket that is large enough to hold the cocopeat block when expanded. It should also be deep enough to allow water to cover the block completely.
  • Place the Cocopeat Block: Gently place the cocopeat block into the container. It might be wrapped in a plastic cover, which you can remove before placing it in the container.
  • Add Water: Add water to the container, ensuring the cocopeat block is fully submerged. The block will start absorbing water and expanding.
  • Wait for Expansion: Allow the cocopeat block some time to absorb water and expand fully. This process can take anywhere from 15 minutes to a few hours, depending on the size of the block and the water temperature.
  • Break Up the Block: Once the cocopeat block has fully expanded and softened, you can use your hands or a gardening tool to break up the block. Gently fluff and separate the cocopeat fibres to achieve a loose, crumbly texture.
  • Drain Excess Water: If there's excess water in the container, allow it to drain out. You want the cocopeat to be moist but not waterlogged.
  • Prepare Planting Container: If you're using a pot or container for planting, ensure it has drainage holes. If planting directly in the ground, prepare the garden bed by removing weeds and debris.
  • Fill Container or Bed: Fill the planting container or garden bed with the expanded cocopeat. Leave some space at the top for planting.
  • Plant Your Seeds or Seedlings: Create holes in the cocopeat for your seeds or seedlings. Follow the recommended planting depth for the specific plants you're growing.
  • Water and Maintain: After planting, gently water your seeds or seedlings to ensure the cocopeat is evenly moist. Continue to water as needed based on the water requirements of your plants.

Cocopeat is an excellent growing medium due to its water retention and aeration properties. It provides a suitable environment for healthy plant growth. Remember that cocopeat doesn't contain nutrients, so you may need to supplement with appropriate fertilizers based on your plants' needs.

With these steps, you're on your way to using cocopeat effectively for your planting endeavors. Enjoy watching your plants thrive in this eco-friendly medium!

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